easter · finland

Snapshots from Finland: snow in April & Easter celebrations

This post comes to you a bit late, but better late than never, right? I overestimated myself thinking I could edit, upload and post all these pictures last Sunday whilst still on holiday, when, in reality, all I wanted to do was lay on the sofa and eat Easter sweets. So, I let myself off the hook, and postponed these pictures for a week – I’m sure you don’t mind!

I haven’t been in Finland in April in about four years and I had definitely managed to forget how cold it can still be. England had lulled me into a false sense of security that Spring had actually properly arrived everywhere in the world, but it seemed like Finland had other ideas in mind… Instead of green trees I got snow – lots of snow! – and very cold, albeit beautifully sunny, days. Having been away for so long, I couldn’t remember if that was a normal thing to happen mid-April, but everyone else seemed equally confused too so I guess it was quite extreme – even for Finland!

I also hadn’t celebrated Easter with my family for four years, and whilst it wasn’t a holiday I particularly missed celebrating, it was surprisingly nice to see all the familiar decorations and traditions come to life. I snapped a few pictures of our Easter-y house as I thought it was looking very cute – especially all those little bunnies!